Thursday, May 29, 2014

Well That Was A Parent Fail

Sorry I have been a way a little bit.  Hopefully this lesson learned about parenting will make up for it.

Well, I will admit that we didn't plan as well as we should for this one.  Em had been using her pacifier during nap and at night and we felt it was time for "plug" to make it's exit.

So the hubby and I had been chatting with her for the past week to prepare her for the departure of her plug. It was going to go away on a balloon for another baby to have, since she wasn't a baby any more, but a big girl.  Big girls don't need plugs, babies do... however as we got closer to plug release day, she wasn't so sure about that.

So it was Saturday, after nap and had the time had come.  She gave us the plug and we went downstairs to tie the thing to the balloons, with one to spare for her to keep.

That was NOT GOOD ENOUGH! She wanted ALL of the balloons!! Well crap; we had not had thought of this scenario. The hubby and I figured one balloon to keep would be ok. Well, we were WRONG!

She was not letting go of the balloons.  I try and then the hubby tries to pry the balloons from her.  I finally get the balloons from her hands, all the while arguing with the hubby that I am now the bad guy and he should have tried a little harder. 

Ok....deep breath for all the adults in this situation. (Em was having none of this deep breathing session.) 

We all finally calm down a bit and head outside to "release the balloons"! (Said in our finest English accents for dramatic appeal.)

Again, we didn't really think this part of it through, or take the wind direction into account.  We release the balloons...right.. into... the... next door neighbor's tree. High enough that we were going to need a ladder. Crap on a cracker, this couldn't be going any worse.

She is very aware that the plug is on those balloons in that tree! So we get back in the house, she's very upset. Which at this point is quite understandable.

We snuggle and console all the while the Hubby and I are now trying not to laugh for obviously there was some karma in this situation coming back to bite us in the ass.

Em has since transitioned well without her plug, hasn't mentioned it in a few days. I would say despite how traumatic letting go of the plug went, I'm happy that she's doing ok!

Lesson learned: No matter how are hard you try to plan for something to go right when it comes to your child, it can go epically wrong and there's not much you can do about it. Except laugh after, and make sure your you have some money set aside for therapy later. For you and your child.

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