Saturday, April 12, 2014

"Hi Mama!"

This past Thursday morning in our household was both stressful and funny, well funny after the fact. Thursday mornings we have Kindermusik so usually its a scramble to get out the door for some reason anyway. I should have known I was doomed. 

Like I mentioned earlier I have a very smart 2 year old daughter, Emily.  I needed to shuttle some dirty laundry from the upstairs to the downstairs.  With that I had Emily hang out in my bedroom while doing so. This was not the first time I had done this; she also hangs out in there while I make an attempt to bathe. She has books and her coloring easel, and it's been toddler proofed. She's usually pretty content.

Well, after bring the laundry down I came back up only to find the door...LOCKED!! I don't even remember our bedroom door having a lock on it!!

Ok.... not... to... panic! Emily and I talked through the door- she was doing fine and had even managed to turn on the TV.  

I found the little latch unlocker thingie for the hole in the door knob on the outside that I thought would work. Tried that for five luck. I then asked her to "turn the little knob thingie" and various other directions for her to unlock it. No luck.

Time to call the hubby at work. His response was half trying not to laugh at me and the other half trying to help me fix the problem.  Try a hex key he luck.  

Next it was calling the next door neighbor to see if her firefighter hubby was home. No such luck.  Do you see a theme here??

So I started to take off the door knob when the neighbors firefighting hubby calls me back.  I had gotten the door knob to this point:

I texted him the picture of the doorknob, and he figured out that we needed to push the locking mechanism towards the door jam, not away. Whadda ya know!! Voila! It worked!

So what does Emily say as I open the door? "Hi Mama!" 

She had no clue that I was seconds away from breaking down the door.  I put some Bailey's in my coffee, and we made it to Kindermusik after all! Just kidding about the Bailey's... the thought did cross my mind though. Oh Thursday mornings, why do you hate me so?

On another note, the concierge travel services page is now up.  So check it out on the home page.

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