Friday, April 11, 2014


Well I finally did it. I started a blog! First, let me tell you "Thank you for stopping by, I appreciate it." Secondly, let me tell you a little bit about myself and the blog that you have landed on.

So I will admit, my Beach Street doesn't exactly come with a coveted ocean front location. Nope! There's not a ocean or extremely large lake for that matter within several hundred miles. My Beach Street is located on the front range of Colorado. This girl can dream though right?

I'm married to a man that herds nerds for a living, we have an extremely smart, beautiful, loving and quite spirited two year old daughter. Did I mention my hubby is patient along with being tech savvy? He is!

My background before I was called "Mama" was hospitality and event planning. I love to travel, I'm always trying to plan a trip. If not my own trip then one for a family member or friend.

Through this blog I hope to share travel tips, some of my favorite recipes, and maybe a funny story or two. If you are planning a trip, I'd like to extend my services to you in the research and planning department. (More to come on this.) 

I may be landlocked, but my Beach Street View looks pretty good. Thanks again for stopping by!

* Please note, this is not the actual view from my street, 
just the one I wish I had.


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